
Donauwörth - Augsburg – Lansberg - Füssen – Lermoos - Imst - Nauders – Resia Pass - Merano - Bolzano - Trento - Verona or Ostiglia

On a bike you have all the peace and quietness to fully enjoy the attractions and nature. You can take your time to admire and discover the land and the people, the villages, the towns and the castles and take a break wherever you like it best.

Cycling on historic routes

The cycling route starts in the German village Donauwörth, and leads via Augsburg (ancient Augusta Vindelicum) to Schongau and Füssen. This stretch is sign-posted very well. In Austria the route continues to Reutte in Tyrol, from where you ascend to Fernpass. On this stretch you can take advantage of a comfortable shuttle service for cyclists and bikes. Our Roman Road continues to Imst and on to Landeck where you can visit the castle. Landeck Castle is a popular meeting point for cultural events. We continue to Altfinstermünz, Nauders with an overnight stay at the Guesthouse AMONTANARA In the morning after enjoying a vast breakfast buffet we ascend to Resia Pass. When cycling over Resia and Curon to the Val Venosta valley, you can admire Resia Lake with a church tower in the middle of the lake. This sight is protected by fine arts and has become the symbol around Resia Pass.

You continue cycling to Burgusio, Malles, Sluderno, Lasa, Silandro, Laces, Naturno and Tel, and you finally reach Rablà/Parcines, Lagundo and Merano. Information at In Val Venosta part of the route can be done with the popular and comfortable Val Venosta railway offering a picturesque view of the orchards.

From Merano, the Via Claudia Augusta leads to Lana, Terlano and Bolzano downhill along the Adige River all the way to Trento. In Trento, the Via Claudia Augusta divides into two routes. One road leads in the direction of Verona-Mantova-Ostiglia, the other to Venice.

The cycling path from Trento to Verona is called The Sun Route. We recommend taking a break at Lake Garda. Outside the city of Romeo and Juliet the route leads in the direction of Mantova and Ostiglia, where this part of the Via Claudia Augusta ends. For information on return journeys from Verona, Affi, Rovereto, Lake Garda (Riva, Torbole,..), Trento, Bolzano with the bike-return shuttle from May to October at

In order to remain on the original route near Trento, you have to take the old road to Feltre once you reach Primolano. Very impressive in this city in the province of Belluno are the famous Scalette, a small pebble stone stairway which leads to Vittorio Emanuele Square. The famous Italian comical poet and librettist Carlo Goldoni, who lived during the 16th century, chose the La Sena Theatre in Feltre as venue for the premier of his first comedy "La cantautrice" (The song writer) and "Il buon padre" (The good Father).

The cycling route of Valsugana continues in the direction of Bassano del Grappa. In order to remain on the Via Claudia Augusta when leaving Feltre, you have to cycle in the direction of Treviso. This stretch is however not very well sign-posted. The beautiful landscape along Silo River will reward you for your efforts. Once near Treviso you take the cycling trail in the direction of Quarto d'Altino, Mestre and finally Venice, our end destination.

Expert cyclists can also leave the route in order to train their condition on MTB routes and trails. An unforgettable mix of landscapes, lively towns, enchanting villages, history and culture awaits cyclists.